Intensive Coaching in Nonprofit Fundraising and Philanthropy

The Texas Instruments Founders Leadership Fellow receives intensive formal coaching in nonprofit fundraising and donor-centered philanthropy via residencies on each team within the Office of Development and Alumni Relations, with all goals and objectives established at the onset of each fellowship and reviewed on an ongoing basis.

During each residency, the fellow learns fundraising tools and their applications, developing skills relevant in higher education and transferrable to other nonprofit settings.

After completing their initial team-specific residencies, the fellow will select one team to work with for the remainder of their fellowship, as guided by area(s) of interest. By the fellowship’s end, each fellow will demonstrate understanding and proficiency of philanthropy impact and engagement strategies.

Stipend & Commitment

The Texas Instruments Founders Leadership Fellowship is a part-time, 9-12-month position, beginning every year in September and ending the following May or August. Total hours and fellowship length are flexible in regard to each fellow’s specific academic or personal responsibilities. The stipend is based on hours worked, averaging about $25 per hour, depending on qualifications and experience.

Ready to Apply?

The TI Founders Leadership Fellows program is open to UT Dallas undergraduate seniors, graduate students and recent graduates (within six months of graduation) who are interested in pursuing a nonprofit career.

Application and eligibility

Contact us today to learn more about the Texas Instruments Founders Leadership Fellowship.

Portrait of Tiffany Page Carter.

Tiffany Page Carter

Assistant Director
Foundation Relations


New Dimensions: The Campaign for UT Dallas

The New Dimensions campaign aims to build upon a half-century of momentum, propelling our University’s growth and success through the next 50 years and beyond.

Help us create new dimensions of impact around the globe by supporting our efforts to attract the best and brightest students, enhance lives through transformative research and transform the arts at UT Dallas.