Join In Random Acts of Kindness with UT Dallas and State Farm

By: Daniel Steele | February 9, 2022

On Thursday, Feb. 17, UT Dallas and State Farm will celebrate Random Acts of Kindness Day. On this special day, the smallest gestures can make the biggest difference. Come together with UT Dallas alumni, students and staff to lend a helping hand wherever you can and be part of a global effort to make the world a little brighter, one act of kindness at a time. 

This year, State Farm celebrates 100 years in business. In the spirit of being a “Good Neighbor,” the company has asked its employees and partners to commemorate this anniversary by giving back to their communities and inspiring others to do the same. 

Every year, UT Dallas students and alumni are impacted by State Farm’s support. State Farm has provided critical aid for UT Dallas programs such as: 

If you were a part of one of these programs — or if someone at UT Dallas played a small role in helping you be where you are today — Feb. 17 is your chance to pay it forward with a random act of kindness for friends, family, colleagues or current and future UT Dallas students. 

Reach out to thank a faculty member or mentor for being a part of your educational journey, make a contribution to the campus cause you care about most, reconnect with a former classmate, drop off much-needed items to the Comet Cupboard or get inspired to help those around you with these kindness ideas.  

Every good deed counts, and we want to hear about your random act of kindness. On Feb. 17, tag @utdallasalumni on Instagram, Facebook or Twitter and tell us how you made a difference. Then check #RandomActsOfKindessDay and #StateFarm100 on social media to be part of the worldwide movement.