Gallery: Eclipse Brings Campus Community Outside for a Glimpse

April 9, 2024

View scenes from a day of wonder as the UTD campus experienced the cosmic spectacle of a total solar eclipse on April 8.

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Three people sitting on a stage. A painting depicting a solar eclipse is shown in the background.
People wearing eclipse glasses lying down on the lawn as they look up towards the sky.
Man holding camera pointed toward the sky.
Woman wearing black UTD t-shirt playing a violin.
Crowd of people wearing solar eclipse glasses while looking up at the sun.
Solar eclipse.

Prior to the total solar eclipse, UT Dallas hosted a fireside chat featuring Dr. Eileen Stansbery, chief scientist and division chief of the Astromaterials Research and Exploration Science (ARES) Division at the NASA Johnson Space Center, Dr. Mustapha Ishak-Bushaki, UT Dallas physics and astrophysics professor, and Dan Brounoff, chief meteorologist KRLD News Radio 1080.

Many gathered on the University Roundabout for unobstructed views of the skies.

Dozens of photographers set up cameras across campus, hoping to capture the celestial event.

Scores of Comets and friends gathered on the Margaret McDermott Mall for an eclipse campus celebration that included music and giveaways, including special T-shirts marking the occasion.

As the time for the total eclipse grew nearer, the crowd grew larger as people gathered in anticipation of the event’s totality.

Though the day was partly cloudy, the eclipse broke through the clouds on a couple of occasions during its totality.

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