Planned Giving
Strengthened by Your Generosity
Together, we will empower a new generation of outstanding students, educated by outstanding faculty in outstanding facilities.
Supporters like you help drive a focus on academic and research excellence that will give today’s students the tools they need to transform the future.
Gifts That Cost Nothing Now
With only your signature, you can create your legacy as a founder of the future of UT Dallas. Once your family and loved ones are provided for, we hope you’ll consider a gift to UT Dallas in your will or trust, or by beneficiary designation. It costs you nothing now to do this, yet your impact lasts for generations to come. And you can change your mind about the amount of your gift — or giving at all — at any time.
Learn about Wills and Living Trusts or Beneficiary Designation gifts.
Gifts That Pay You Income
Did you know there are ways to support excellence at UT Dallas that pay you income for life? These gifts allow you the chance to stretch your giving ability and help you make a substantial gift to UT Dallas while receiving a steady income.
Set up a charitable gift annuity with a minimum of $10,000 for UT Dallas, and you can receive fixed payments for life while enjoying significant tax advantages. Interest rates paid on CGAs are usually higher than certificates of deposit and similar investments.
Learn about gifts that pay you income.
Gifts That Support Your School
As a generous contributor to the vision of excellence and innovation at UT Dallas, you can feel good about giving with the knowledge that your gift will benefit the area you wish to support most. Invest in the area of UT Dallas that means most to you. Direct your generosity toward scholarships and fellowships, campus enhancements, the Fund for UT Dallas, or any school, center or special program.
More Ways to Give
Together, we strengthen our academic community by providing excellent, innovative education and research that will enrich the lives of our students and community. There are many opportunities to make a lasting difference for the University and the students it serves. Those opportunities include gifts through donor-advised funds, IRA charitable rollovers, real estate, life insurance and stock.

The Legacy Society pays tribute to individuals who make a gift to UT Dallas that lives on after their lifetime. Legacy Society members most often contribute through a planned gift in their will or trust. Others establish charitable gift annuities, which pay them income for life; some name UTD as a beneficiary of a life insurance policy or retirement account.
Related Stories
Planned Gift Honors Former EPPS Professor
A $1 million planned gift from Dr. Satchit Srinivasan will create a distinguished professorship in the School of Economic, Political and Policy Sciences in honor of his late wife, Dr. Vibhooti Shukla, a former professor in the school.
Alumnus Pledges Support to Create Research Fund for Behavioral and Brain Sciences
A planned gift commitment from Dr. Steve Niemcryk BS’81, MS’83 will create a new endowment funding student and postdoctoral research in the School of Behavioral and Brain Sciences.
$100,000 Gift Adds to Legacy of Support
Hillel Feinberg’s $100,000 planned gift to the Ackerman Center for Holocaust Studies will extend his commitment to transformative research at UT Dallas.
We’re here to help.
Questions about how specific gifts can meet your unique needs and goals?

The New Dimensions campaign aims to build upon a half-century of momentum, propelling our University’s growth and success through the next 50 years and beyond.
Help us create new dimensions of impact around the globe by supporting our efforts to attract the best and brightest students, enhance lives through transformative research and transform the arts at UT Dallas.